CSC’s statement on the enterprise architecture of secondary use of health and social data

CSC’s statement on the enterprise architecture of secondary use of health and social data

CSC regards the current description of the enterprise architecture as a good support for conceptualizing the operating environment created by the law on secondary use of health and social data. The description also offers indispensable support for the implementation of legislation.

Many key issues have been identified in the draft document but at this point it should be considered as a sketchy output as, for example, the architecture related to Genome Center is still in preparation and should be tied to the enterprise architecture of secondary use of health and social data. The systematic architecture of secondary use of social and health data provides a structured view of the activities being implemented. In addition, it provides a framework for the management and control of operations and helps partners to perceive interfaces for their own operations in relation to the centralized operations in the secondary use of data.

When working with the current draft, interoperability between operational, data, information system and technology architectures must be ensured. The necessary resources for the preparation of the architecture must be presented and completed systematically and with high quality.


Read the full statement in Finnish. (pdf).