
Our mission is to help our customers succeed.

CSC is a state-owned company with a special mandate. Our owners – the Finnish State and higher education institutions – determine the purpose of our existence. We provide services specifically to meet the needs of the Finnish State and higher education institutions. As a not-for-profit company our goal is not financial gain – we use our specialized expertise in an effort to ensure that our customers are given the best possible chance to succeed.

Our experts work ambitiously for research, the national education system, culture and the digitalization of public administration and promote the interests of our customers and society as a whole.

Content with Keywords tailored solutions .

Case VRK / Valtiokonttori: CSC mukana digitalisoimassa julkishallinnon palveluja

Julkishallinnon digitalisaatio on yhteiskuntamme tärkeimpiä kehityskohteita. Yhä useampia palveluja digitalisoidaan ja tietoja siirretään eri muodoissa luontevasti eri toimijoiden kesken. Julkishallinnossa pyritään hyödyntämään entistä laajemmin CSC:n osaamista, jota on jo aiemmin käytetty tutkimuksen, opetuksen sekä kulttuurin palveluissa.

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EMREX smooths the path for student mobility between higher education institutions

The registration of exchange students' study records requires data transfers and, currently, manual work. EMREX, a solution for electronic transfers of student records, eliminates unnecessary paperwork and speeds up the recognition process of studies.

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Vipunen provides statistics of Finnish education

Education and research organisations require diverse statistical data to support business intelligence, operational management and planning. A comprehensive illustration of the Finnish education and research system is essential to research as well.

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Oili - A single service enables higher education student enrolment and registration

Accepting a study place and enrolling for a semester is easier when you can do everything in a single online service that can be integrated in the national service.

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Case KAVI: CSC supports the preservation of Finnish radio and television heritage

KAVI preserves films and film-related materials as well as television programs for our decendants. CSC maintains KAVI´s radio and television program archives and provides the live streaming services so that the films and programs can be watched and heard by our users today, as well as the future generations.

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