User forums - Elmer
User forums
The discussion forum and other services are hosted at Everybody is free to register and participate!
Elmer discussion forum
Discussion forum about Elmer is hosted at The new forum divides the discussion into detailed areas and offers good search features. We encourage all former discussion list subscribers to register to the discussion forum and participate actively. After you have registered to the forum you may also subscribe forum post notifications to your email account.
Elmer twitter
Twitter is becoming increasingly important media for Elmer. Its Twitter account is "elmerfem", see We encourage all who tweet about Elmer to add the tag "@elmerfem" to their tweet. We will gladly retweet these forward.
Elmer LinkedIn group
Elmer has a LinkedIn group at It is a group for the developers, users and followers of Elmer finite element software. It is intended to be a forum on announcements, collaboration and strategy, rather than of nitty-gritty technical details.
Elmer updates mailing list
For those who prefer email lists there is the elmerupdates list. The mailing list is only used by the developers for informing about new releases, new interfaces, etc. This list has low traffic. The information will be also redundantly put to the discussion forum and tweeted.