Bioscience Learning Materials - Services for Research
Learning Materials for Bioscientists
Here you can find verious course materials, e-learning materials, tutorials, and webinar recordings for bioscientists.
For upcoming courses, see our training calendar. For e-learning materials, check our course offering on e-Lena platform. On CSC Docs platform, we have a learning material bank and lots of tutorials on various subjects, including bioinformatics.
You may find useful trainings and materials also on ELIXIR's TeSS portal.
- CSC resources for bio users [webinar recording-CSC resources for bio users] [slides-CSC resources for bio users]
- Using CSC computing environments efficiently [-CSC Computing environmente-learning page] [slides] [tutorials & exercises-Using CSC HPC environments efficiently] [Running your first job on Puhti tutorial]
- Elements of supercomputing [-Elements of Supercomputinge-learning page]
- Biocontainers [course materials-Biocontainers] [-Biocontainerse-learning page] [Singularity tutorial]
- Data analysis with R [GitHub page-Data analysis with R]
- Python for biosciences [course material-Python for Biosciences] [GitHub page-Python for Biosciences]
- Using cPouta cloud for bioinformatics [course materials-cPouta cloud for bioinformatics] [slides-cPouta cloud for bioinformatics] [exercises-cPouta cloud for bioinformatics]
- See also the self-study materials for introduction to Python and R on our More Python and R study materials onNotebooks platform
- Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis [course material-Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis] [video lectures-Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis] [GitHub page-Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis] [e-learning course-Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis]
- RNA-seq data analysis [course material-RNA-seq data analysis ] [RNA-seq analysispipeline]
- Protein modeling with Discovery Studio [course material-Protein modeling with Discovery Studio]
- VirusDetect pipeline [course material-VirusDetect pipeline] [webinar recording-VirusDetect pipeline]
- Variant analysis with GATK [course material-Variant analysis with GATK] [video lectures-Variant analysis with GATK]
- Metagenomics data analysis [course material-Metagenomics data analysis] [video lectures-Metagenomics data analysis]
- Drug discovery: Schrödinger Maestro [hands-on infoabout Schrödinger Maestro] [hands-on files 1-Schrödinger Maestro] [hands-on files 2-Schrödinger Maestro]
See the course materials and tutorials for Chipster, our user-friendly graphical user interface for NGS analysis on Chipster course materials page. Topics covered include: