Noppe Terms of Use

Effective as of November 6 2020

  1. Free-of-charge use
  2. Purchasing the service
  3. Service description
  4. Cookie policy
  5. General terms and conditions
  6. Privacy policy

1. Free-of-charge use

Noppe (formerly Notebooks) is provided primarily for academic research and education in Finnish higher education institutions and state research institutes. For these use cases the use of service is free-of-charge. Also, it does not consume CSC’s billing units. See the definitive list of free-of-charge use cases.

2. Purchasing the service

Noppe service can be purchased for use cases that do not meet the free-of-charge criteria. Noppe is a component of CSC Services for Research. Noppe is available by purchasing access to CSC Services for Research. See the pricing of the service.

Total cost of Noppe service consists of Base Package (billed once) and additional user accounts (if they are needed). All user accounts are personal and cannot be shared. Single purchase of a Base Package is valid for the duration of a single well defined research or education project (1-2 years). Use of Noppe does not consume CSC’s billing units.

3. Service description

Noppe is provided with best effort service level and availability. Users are responsible for familiarizing themselves to the service description and ensuring that the service matches their needs.

4. Cookie policy

When you visit our website, cookies will save information about your stay. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device. There are two main types of cookies; session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies will be removed from your device as soon as you close your browser. Persistent cookies will remain stored until they are deleted or expire.

The Noppe service provides a web user interface, through which users can provision short-lived resources. Both the Noppe web user interface and the web user interfaces of provisioned resources use cookies. Noppe web user interface uses cookies to implement the core functionality of the service, so it is not possible opt-out from cookies while using the service. Noppe web user interface does not use cookies to track usage on other sites.

5. General terms and conditions

Noppe is a component of CSC Services for Research. Use of Noppe must follow General Terms of Use for CSC’s Services for Research.

6. Privacy policy

Noppe follows Privacy Notice.