Social Sciences and Humanities

There is a number of CSC services and solutions available to researchers across social sciences and humanities. These include computing, data management services, and language resources. We also offer training and expert support in research data management. Most of our services are free of charge for academic researchers in Finland, but require a user account at CSC.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our service desk.

Getting started

MyCSC is a portal where you can manage accounts and projects. See our guide on how to get started.

Get started with CSC's services »

Service catalogue

You can find all of our computing and data management services in the service catalog.

Service catalog »

CSC Docs

CSC Docs website contains detailed user guides, FAQs, and tutorials related to our services.

CSC Docs »

Resources for social sciences and humanities

The Language Bank of Finland

The Language Bank is a service for researchers using language resources across digital humanities and social sciences. It has a wide variety of text and speech corpora and tools for studying them.

Other Finnish resources