Free-of-charge use in CSC’s services for research
The use of many of CSC’s services is free-of-charge for users affiliated with a Finnish higher education institution (universities, universities of applied sciences), a state research institute or the National Archives of Finland (below these organisations are referred to as “the Organisations in Scope of this Policy”). This is based on the agreement made with the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The services available for free-of-charge use include Puhti, Mahti, Noppe (Notebooks), Allas, cPouta, ePouta, Rahti, Kaivos, Pukki, Chipster, Kvasi, Sensitive Data Connect and Sensitive Data Desktop. Please see the CSC service catalog for research for further information on the services.
The Fairdata services (IDA, Qvain, Metax, Etsin) are included under certain conditions for users affiliated with Finnish higher education institutions and state research institutes and their collaborators. The Digital Preservation Service for Research Data (Fairdata PAS) requires a separate contract. For more information, see the Fairdata use policy.
Please see below the detailed descriptions of the free-of-charge use cases and their limitations. If your use does not fall within the use cases described in this document or you are unsure, contact Other than free-of-charge use cases require a separate contract with CSC.
Brokering of CSC free-of-charge use is not allowed. Users utilizing CSC services free-of-charge can not offer them to third parties as a paid service.
The free-of-charge use does not cover operative systems or services that require higher service level agreements (SLA) than CSC’s services normally provide (for example, requiring increased availability or customer support).
This document may be published in several languages. In case of discrepancy the English language version shall prevail.
Definitions for the terminology used in this document
- “The Organisations in Scope of this Policy” refers to Finnish higher education institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences), state research institutes and the National Archives of Finland.
- “User” refers to an individual who uses any of the Services referred to in this document.
- “Account” refers to a User who has registered a CSC user account.
- “CSC Project” refers to a group of one or more Users who may be granted access to use CSC’s computing, data, and cloud resources up to a certain limit. One of the Users acts as the Project Manager of the CSC Project.
- “CSC Project Manager” refers to a User who has registered an Account and is responsible for a CSC Project.
- “CSC Project Member” is a User, who has an Account and who has been granted Project membership by the Project Manager.
- “FAIR principles” are established guidelines for making data more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
Detailed descriptions of the use cases
CSC’s Services for Research are free-of-charge in the following cases:
1. Research in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
2. Education in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
3. Companies collaborating with the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
4. International collaboration with the Organisations in Scope of this Policy or with CSC
5. Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities
6. Local support necessary for the aforementioned use cases
1. Research in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
The use of services is free-of-charge for academic research in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy. Research results and datasets (including publications, learning materials, data, code and algorithms) must be released publicly, preferably for peer review, as openly as possible and as protected as necessary. CSC supports the FAIR principles (see our Data policy and Persistent Identifier (PID) policy).
The research should result in at least one of the following
- A scientific or scholarly publication
- A public research report
- A dataset available for academic research
- Some other research output available for academic research (including publications, learning materials, data, code and algorithms)
The free-of-charge use does not cover:
- Statutory duties as a public authority (in Finnish, viranomaistehtävät)
- Service production funded from the budget of the ministry responsible for ownership steering.
The following is decided case by case:
- If a CSC Project managed by an Organisation in Scope of this Policy need to consume exceptionally large amount of resources at any point of the research project life-cycle, separate negotiations with CSC are required. These negotiations should preferably take place in the funding application phase. CSC reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the resources can be offered within the free-of-charge use. More information about resource limits can be found on the Applying for resources page.
A CSC Project Manager can apply for a fixed-term Account and membership to the CSC Project they manage for their collaborator(s) outside Finnish higher education institutions, state research institutes or the National Archives of Finland when the above criteria are met.
2. Education and training in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
The use of services is free-of-charge for arranging education and training by the Organisations in Scope of this Policy in the following use cases:
- IT environments and basic support services for arranging a single course
- Thesis work and study assignments
- Research-based training intended for the academic community in state research institutes or the National Archives of Finland; for example, training on how to use or analyze datasets or materials provided by the organisation
The free-of-charge use does not cover:
- Production use of learning management systems
- Production use of basic IT infrastructure for education
- Training that the Organisations in Scope of this Policy provide as a paid service
The following are decided case by case:
- Use of the services for piloting IT solutions for education
- Use of the services for training targeted mainly at other than the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
- Use of Noppe (Notebooks) for running exercises of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
3. Companies collaborating with the Organisations in Scope of this Policy
The use of services is free-of-charge for research and education use cases for the Organisations in Scope of this Policy collaborating with commercial partners (e.g. private companies), if the use is in line with aforementioned free-of-charge use cases. Company partners may be granted a fixed-term membership to the CSC Project, when invited by the CSC Project Manager.
CSC may grant fixed-term access to the services to a company representative that opens the company’s data for research use.
Other use is not covered free-of-charge.
4. International collaboration with the Organisations in Scope of this Policy or with CSC
The use of services is free-of-charge for research and education use cases for the Organisations in Scope of this Policy collaborating with international collaborator(s), if the use is in line with aforementioned free-of-charge use cases. The results (knowledge, experience, publications) of the international use should benefit research groups in Finland. International collaborator(s) may be granted a fixed-term membership to the CSC Project, when invited by the CSC Project Manager.
CSC may grant fixed-term access to the services to an international user, when CSC is a partner in a European research project. CSC reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the resources can be offered within the free-of-charge use. The decision will be based on CSC’s resource allocation principles and on the scope of the project.
5. Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities
The use of services is free-of-charge for the joint activities of research, analysis, and assessment that are coordinated by the Finnish government in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy.
6. Local support necessary for the aforementioned use cases
Support staff in the Organisations in Scope of this Policy and in the Government ICT Center Valtori can register an Account, create a CSC Project(s) and apply for resources free-of-charge if it is necessary for supporting the aforementioned use cases. Support refers to, for example, providing instructions, testing, or piloting the services.