Upcoming service breaks

Service Service break date Notification
Rahti 9.4.2025 (10:00 – 12:00) Rahti maintenance break
SD Apply, SD Connect, SD Desktop, FEGA 2.4.2025 (09:00 – 12:00) Service Break on Sensitive Data (SD) Services
Mahti 1.4.2025 (08:00 – 21:00) Service break on Mahti

Scheduled service breaks on Puhti and Mahti

Puhti and Mahti supercomputers normally have maintenance breaks scheduled on the first Tuesday of every month. Planned service breaks are announced at least three weeks in advance. It allows sufficient time for all running jobs to complete safely. We always announce the planned duration of the break in advance and send updates in case of changes.

The jobs you run will not be interrupted by maintenance breaks. Maintenance windows are always reserved in advance, and only jobs that can safely finish before them are allowed to run. Thus, very short jobs can run even only moments before a maintenance break.

Scheduled breaks on the HPC web interfaces

Puhti and Mahti web interfaces have maintenance breaks scheduled bi-weekly on Tuesdays. We announce the service breaks in the web interface notification, as well as on this page, at least one week in advance. The duration is typically one hour, between 9–10.

Unscheduled breaks

Occasionally we may need to perform urgent maintenance due to technical or security reasons. In these cases we announce the break and reserve the time window for it as soon as possible.

Other services

  • Sensitive Data services have service breaks on the first Wednesday of every month. We always inform users by email about any additional service breaks.
  • Information about LUMI service breaks can be found on the LUMI website.
  • Fairdata services’ planned maintenance breaks are listed on the Fairdata website.

Past service breaks

Service Service break date Notification
Mahti 7.9.2021 08:00 – 9.9.2021 12:00 Scheduled service break on Mahti (extended to September 9)
Puhti 1.6.2021 08:00 – 2.6.2021 00:00 Puhti service break
Mahti 4.5.2021 08:00 – 5.5.2021 12:00 Unscheduled service break on Mahti