Federated European Genome-phenome Archive
Publish Finnish biomedical research data with restricted access internationally in FEGA
Service description
Federated European Genome-phenome Archive (FEGA) is a service for storing and publishing human genetic and phenotypic data consented for research. The service is based on a European network of local repositories. CSC hosts Finnish FEGA. You can use FEGA either to submit, apply or approve access to biomedical datasets according to FAIR principles. The service allows you to store sensitive research data under controlled access in Finland. At the same time, the public study information (metadata) is made internationally available in central European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA). Each dataset is associated with a Data Access Committee (DAC), which evaluates data access applications and can grant or deny data access for re-use. If the application is approved, the applicant can directly access and analyse the sensitive data in a secure and private cloud workspace using CSC Sensitive Data Services for research.
Technical information
The service has a graphical user interface and does not require any special skills.
Protection level
Restricted access
You can decide who can access or download the data, and manage data sharing.
Restricted and controlled access
You can decide who can access or download data, and manage data sharing and export from isolated environments.
Read more about protection levels
How to obtain the service
FEGA is a service targeted for Finnish Academic research. The data submission requires CSC accounts and an existing contract between the data controller and CSC. Reuse of the submitted data requires CSC account and an approval from the data owner in SD Apply service. Data reuse is free of charge for Finnish Academic users.
Free academic use. Submitting data to the service always requires a separate contract between the submitting organisation and CSC. In addition, the service requires storing a separate backup copy of the submitted data, and storage of the backup copy is not covered by the CSC’s free-of-charge use cases. Backup storage can be bought as an additional service within FEGA or submitting organisation can agree on other storage methods for the backup copy in the contract with CSC.