
Spatial Data Download Service

An open service for downloading and sharing spatial data

Service description

Paituli is a spatial data download service. It provides datasets that are important for research and education. Paituli service contains datasets from Finnish governmental agencies, research institutes and universities. PaITuli also includes historical versions of datasets. Many of Paituli datasets are available also via OGC web services: WMS (Maps), WCS, WMTS (Tiles) and WFS (Features). Raster datasets can be searched and used via STAC. Students and researchers of Finnish universities and research institutes also have the possibility to publish their own spatial data in Paituli.

Technical information

Downloading from data from the service is easy and does not require special skills, but using the data requires usually understanding of geoinfromatics basics and ability to use GIS-tools. Also APIs are normally used with some tool: e.g., QGIS, ArcGIS, Python, or R. For sharing data, it is recommended that users are familiar with the recommended Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. Paituli gives technical recommendations for preparing the data.

Protection level


Open access

Anyone can access, share and download data.


Open access

Anyone can access, share and download data.

Read more about protection levels

How to obtain the service

Data download: The Service is open for everyone. Data publishing: Instructions are given in user guide.

Service is free of charge

User guide

Link to service Paituli

Interoperable services



A supercomputer for a wide range of use cases from data analysis to medium scale computation


Research Data Repository

Integrated services for storing, publishing and sharing research data