Introducing CSC Services for Sensitive Data Management

Are you a sensitive data user looking for both highly secure and simple ways for processing sensitive data? Would you benefit from services that enable seamless cross-sectoral cooperation around sensitive data? As an answer to these questions, CSC Sensitive Data team is proud to announce that our new Sensitive Data Services are soon to be launched. The launch of the beta versions will also allow us to gather input from our users. Especially, we would like to understand how best to support users or projects that deal with very large datasets and complex analysis.

Two new cloud services will provide a simple user interface for working with your sensitive data:  

  • Sensitive Data Desktop is a service providing a secure access over public internet to a virtual private cloud, and allowing secure analysis of sensitive data remotely from users’ own computer via a web browser.
  • Sensitive Data Connect is a simple web and command line interface that enables sharing and uploading your encrypted sensitive data for analysis in SD Desktop.

These services are provided free of charge for Finnish researchers and their collaborators.

You are kindly welcome to join the Introducing Sensitive Data Services webinar in order to learn about these services in more detail. At this webinar, we will show you the user interfaces as well as common features of these services. How can you upload, store and download your data using Sensitive Data Services? How can these services facilitate sensitive data management? How can you use them to share sensitive data with your collaborators? You will also have a chance to ask questions from the people behind the services.

For more info and feedback please contact: (email subject: Sensitive Data Services)