Online: Spatial data analysis with R
The aim of the course is to familiarize participants with spatial analysis with R.On the first two days of the course focus is on vector data and the last course day is spent on raster data.The course includes also introduction to using R in CSC Puhti supercomputer. The optional R in Puhti supercomputer exercise is kept on separate day.
Lecturer: Marko Kallio / Aalto University
Topics of the course:
- Handling and plotting vector data in R
- Spatial operations (intersection, clipping, conversions etc)
- Spatial analysis of vector data (clustering, density surfaces, autocorrelation)
- Visualizing spatial data
- Spatial analysis with R in Puhti supercluster
- Using R in CSC Puhti supercomputer, code parallelization
- Raster basics with R
- Raster data manipulation
- Map algebra
- Spatial modelling with raster data
The course consists of a flexible combination of lectures, examples and exercises with an emphasis on hands-on experience.
- Basics of geoinformatics and geostatistics
- Basic use of R, no earlier experience with R spatial packages is needed. For self-study Data analysis with R course material can be used.
This course is similar to the Spatial data analysis with R course kept in 2019 and 2020 at CSC.
Monday 1.11.2021
9:00-10:30 Handling and plotting vector data in R
10:45-12:00 Handling and plotting cont.
13:00-14:30 Spatial operations (intersection, clipping, conversions etc)
14:45-16:00 Spatial operations cont.
Tuesday 2.11.2021
9:00-10:30 Spatial analysis of vector data (clustering, density surfaces, autocorrelation)
10:45-12:00 Spatial analysis cont.
13:00-14:15 Visualizing spatial data
14:30-16:00 Spatial analysis with R in Puhti supercluster, inc running R code in parallel
Wednesday 3.11.2021
9:00-10:30 Raster basics with R
10:45-12:00 Raster data manipulation
3:00-14:30 Map algebra
14:45-16:00 Spatial modelling with raster data
Thursday 4.11.2021
13:00-15:00 Using Puhti supercomputer with R for spatial analysis and code parallization hands-on workshop. Intro to the new Puhti web interface. Optional for course participants, open to everybody, no registration for this.
- Zoom link for Thursday
- If participating to Thursday’s workshop without taking the course and otherwise not familiar with Puhti basics, please watch Geocomputing webinar recording before the workshop.
- Workshop participants need only a web browser for working with Puhti.