Services for science & methods

CSC provides a powerful computing environment and expert support for sciences and methods

Expert support in sciences and methods

CSC provides a powerful computing environment and a wide range of support services for various science fields and methods. Our experts and online materials aim to assist you on the subjects listed on the left. If your field of science or computational method is not mentioned, you can still always contact us directly and we will do our best to support you.

Our specialists are happy to

  • Support you in selecting the most suitable and efficient tools and software for your research projects
  • Advise how to use our supercomputers and cloud computing services efficiently
  • Troubleshoot various issues, install applications, provide training
  • Support you in optimizing and parallelizing your own applications
Contact CSC Service Desk

Most CSC services are free-of-charge for academic research use in Finland. Using the services requires a CSC user account and project. See more on our How to get started page.

Docs CSC

In our comprehensive user guide Docs CSC you can find plenty of information about how to use our services efficiently. For example,

Scientific software

Our supercomputers have a wide range of preinstalled scientific software, allowing you to concentrate on science instead of system administration. We also organize domain-specific courses and workshops.

CSC also develops some software ourselves to support Finnish research. These are by default distributed under an open-source license model. Read our policy on free and open-source software.

  • Chipster – Software for analyzing genomic data
  • Elmer – Multiphysical simulation software
  • Noppe – Cloud environment for data analytics
  • Paituli – Spatial data download service

How to cite or acknowledge CSC in a scientific publication?

A good place is the acknowledgements at the end of a manuscript. A typical statement is:

The authors wish to acknowledge CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland, for computational resources.

This wording covers both computing time and licenses, and if you’ve used a lot of resources, you can add: for generous computational resources.