Share data during research project, publish FAIR when ready

This research project has researchers in several organizations and countries, and funding from the Research Council of Finland. The research group will collect about 10 TiB of data, and they have agreed on the rights with the data providers and their research organizations. They will need to share the data among themselves, but not publicly, over the entire duration of the project.
Since there are no needs to restrict access, policies require that the data is published according to the FAIR principles. Moreover, domain practice requires that the data should be kept available for 10 years after publication. All members of the project have agreed that the main partner organization (a Finnish university) will take over data curation after publication, until the deletion of the data. According to the FAIR principles, the metadata should be kept available even beyond that. After the ten year period, a new assessment can be made about possible long-term preservation needs before the data is deleted.
CSC offers different services for managing data in all phases of a research project. This example use case can be realized by using CSC’s Fairdata services as follows:
Create a CSC account and project, apply for Fairdata IDA storage
Fairdata IDA allows storing and sharing data between researchers from different organizations and managing large amounts of data before publishing it as a research dataset. Applying for Fairdata IDA storage requires a CSC account and project.
Create a CSC account and project Read more about Fairdata IDA Link to IDA serviceFairdata Qvain
Once a dataset is published in IDA, documentation (metadata) is created for it using Fairdata Qvain. This gives the dataset a persistent identifier (DOI) that enables citation. A dataset published with Qvain fulfills the requirements of the Research Council of Finland.
Read more about Fairdata Qvain Link to Qvain serviceFairdata Etsin
The data owner decides how the underlying research data can be accessed and by whom. Fairdata Etsin offers the landing page, public metadata and thus adherence with the FAIR data principles.
Read more about Fairdata Etsin Link to Etsin service