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AI and Data Analytics Bioinformatics and Life Sciences Chemistry Cloud Computing Data Management Fundamentals Geoinformatics High Performance Computing LUMI Physics Programming Quantum Computing Sensitive Data Social Sciences and Humanities
Hybrid Online Onsite
Advanced Beginner Intermediate

Continuous courses

Elements of Supercomputing

This free online course is open for everyone interested in supercomputers and high performance computing Modern technolo…

March 2025

Allas-säilytyspalvelun käyttö


Tervetuloa matalan kynnyksen webinaariin, jossa keskitymme Altaan hyödyntämiseen ja siihen liittyviin ohjeistu…

CodeRefinery workshop

25.3. – 3.4.2025

(Organised by CodeRefinery and partners, including CSC – IT Center for Science) Are you writing code and managing…

April 2025

Online: Pouta course


Welcome to the course on the Pouta virtualisation environment. The course covers the basics of the platforms and how to…

Online: Rahti course


Welcome to the course on the Rahti container platform environment.  The course covers topics such as What is R…

May 2025