On demand Sensitive Data (SD) Services training
We offer an introductory course on using SD Services, including: This course is available on demand and will be tailored…
We offer an introductory course on using SD Services, including: This course is available on demand and will be tailored…
This free online course is open for everyone interested in supercomputers and high performance computing Modern technolo…
Anyone interested in the data management is welcome to learn about it on CSC’s self-study Research Data Management…
Tervetuloa suorittamaan suomenkielinen Tutkimusdatanhallinta-kurssi itsenäisesti e-learning alustallamme! Kurssi so…
Tervetuloa matalan kynnyksen webinaariin, jossa keskitymme Altaan hyödyntämiseen ja siihen liittyviin ohjeistu…
12. – 13.3.2025
12.3.-13.3.2025 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs!…
Aika: 18.3.2025 klo 10:00–11:30 Kohderyhmä: Datatukihenkilöt, IDA- ja PAS-yhteyshenkilöt, tutkijat…
27. – 28.3.2025
This course gives basic to intermediate level knowledge on HIP programming. It starts with a basic introduction to writi…
Welcome to the course on the Pouta virtualisation environment. The course covers the basics of the platforms and how to…
9. – 10.4.2025
9.-10.4.2025 9:00-12:00 online How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in…
Welcome to the course on the Rahti container platform environment. The course covers topics such as What is R…
24.6. – 3.7.2025
CSC Summer School in High-Performance Computing in Nuuksio The CSC Summer School brings together students and researcher…