Advanced support
Support for utilizing CSC resources in research
Expert support on using CSC's resources for research and education
Support for utilizing CSC resources in research
Expert support on using CSC's resources for research and education
Data storage service for research projects
Use Allas service for storing and sharing all types of data during your research project
Library of Open Educational Resources service promotes finding, sharing anduse of open educational resources
Community Cloud Service
cPouta provides quick and easy access to compute resource in cloud service
Tailored data storage and sharing service
User-friendly and reliable tailored solution for data sharing and storage
Tailored research data storage and sharing service
A tailored research data storage, publication, and discovery service that supports FAIR principles
Research data storage and publishing service
A service for storing, publishing and discovering research data, supporting FAIR principles
Digital Preservation Service for Research Data
Reliable preservation of digital information for decades or even centuries
Research Data Repository
Integrated services for storing, publishing and sharing research data
Federated European Genome-phenome Archive
Publish Finnish biomedical research data with restricted access internationally in FEGA
File Sharing Service
Funet FileSender is an easy-to-use browser-based file sharing service for large attachment files
LUMI is a leading platform for AI and one of the EuroHPC world-class supercomputers
Mahti is a supercomputer geared towards medium to large scale computations and simulations
Cloud platform for educational use
Easy-to-use applications for working with data and programming
A supercomputer for a wide range of use cases from data analysis to medium scale computation
DataBase as a Service (DBaaS)
With Pukki you can easily and effortlessly set up your own databases
Container Cloud
Rahti service enables easy deployment, scaling, and management of containerized fault-tolerant apps
Sensitive Data (SD) Connect
A simple user interface for storing and sharing sensitive data.
Sensitive Data Desktop
Service for analysis of sensitive research data in a secure cloud computing environment
Language resources & tools
The Language Bank of Finland hosts digital language resources and related tools for research