BioExcel Webinar #83: Restoring Protein Glycosylation with GlycoShape
Date: March 11th, 2025, 15:00 CEST / 16:00 EEST Duration: 1 Hour Webinar will be hosted on ZOOM (install the latest…
Date: March 11th, 2025, 15:00 CEST / 16:00 EEST Duration: 1 Hour Webinar will be hosted on ZOOM (install the latest…
Tervetuloa matalan kynnyksen webinaariin, jossa keskitymme Altaan hyödyntämiseen ja siihen liittyviin ohjeistu…
Euroopan riippuvuus muualla, etenkin Yhdysvalloissa ja Kiinassa, hallittavista digitaalisista palveluista ja infrastrukt…
6. – 7.3.2025
Thursday 6.3.2025 9:00-17:00 Friday 7.3.2025 9:00-17:00 This hands-on course introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq)…
4. – 5.3.2025
This online hands-on course introduces single cell RNA-seq data analysis methods, tools and file formats. It covers the…
Date: March 4th, 2025, 15:00 CEST / 16:00 EEST Abstract: Refinement of an initial atomistic model into a target den…
Date: February 18th, 2025, 15:00 CEST / 16:00 EEST This webinar gives an overview of the new features and performan…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
Menestyneen tutkimuksen datanhallinnan taustalla on monesti organisaation tutkijalle tarjoama tuki. Mutta miten tutkijoi…
10. – 11.12.2024
This one day online course serves as a short introduction to the LUMI architecture and setup. It will include lessons ab…
9. – 12.12.2024
Overview Welcome to the online workshop on Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing on Dec. 9-12 (2024). In this…
4. – 5.12.2024
THE WORKSHOP IS FULLY BOOKED! Welcome to Schrödinger Maestro workshop at CSC! This year’s workshop focuses on…
Overview This interactive workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction or refresher on the fundamental c…
Tervetuloa kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan tutkimusaineistojen kuvailusta! Mitä tutkimusaineistojen kuvailu on? Miksi s…
27. – 29.11.2024
Modern HPC systems combine CPUs and accelerators such as GPUs or FPGAs, making code optimization for diverse platforms t…
Unlock the full potential of your research and learn about the key components of successful data and software licensing.
25. – 26.11.2024
Two-day introductory course on quantum computers and the basic quantum algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinar…
21. – 22.11.2024
This two-day course aims at giving the fundamental, essential concepts of machine learning. The course focuses on simpli…
12. – 14.11.2024
This workshop is based on a multilateral collaboration between GPU programming specialists from the Nordic countries. It…
12. – 13.11.2024
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, including common neural network architectures such as convo…
12. – 14.11.2024
Scientific tools often require installing different dependencies in a controlled environment. Containers allow you to lo…
7. – 8.11.2024
7-8.11.2024 9:00-12:00 online How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in C…
5. – 7.11.2024
This is a medium-advanced course in Python tools such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. It is suitable for people…
21. – 22.10.2024
The Best Practices in High Performance Computing (HPC) training workshop focuses on helping competent practitioners and…
14. – 16.10.2024
OpenMP is a directive based programming model which can target both multicore CPUs and GPUs. This course extends the bas…
9. – 10.10.2024
Course overview and motivation In this course we will learn the basics of geocomputing on a supercomputer through a comb…
There are many different services for sharing and publishing data, often called data repositories. How do I know what wo…
8. – 23.10.2024
—- Thank you for your interest in this course! The course part of this event is over and the support session is ca…
7. – 8.10.2024
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…
3. – 4.10.2024
This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! Are you planning on using CSC&rsq…
26. – 27.9.2024
Description Are you using R but not sure if your R code makes the best use of the computing resources available? Would y…
Datan jakamista ja julkaisua varten on olemassa monia erilaisia palveluita, joita usein kutsutaan datarepositorioiksi. M…
Come and learn the basics of quantum circuit-knitting, and how it can be utilised together with FiQCI and QCut, followed…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
10. – 19.9.2024
(Organised by CodeRefinery and partners, including CSC – IT Center for Science) Are you writing code and managing…
CSC järjestää virtuaalitapahtuman käytännön tutkimusdatan hallinnasta ja dokumentoinnista…
9. – 24.9.2024
We are very excited to let you know that MathWorks are back with their long-standing HPC workshop series ”Mondays…
This special edition of the BioExcel webinar series features student speakers who were awarded poster prizes at the BioE…
27.8. – 2.9.2024
ESiWACE3-WarmWorld Summer School on HPC for Climate and Weather Applications 27 August – 2 September 2024, Helsink…
13.8. – 3.9.2024
Do you teach the use of computers and computational tools? Are you curious about scaling your training and learn about t…
25.6. – 7.7.2024
16. – 21.6.2024
Welcome to BioExcel Summer School 2024! This annual flagship event provides a comprehensive combination of lectures…
11. – 12.6.2024
11.-12.6.2024 Oslo, Norway This two-day workshop in Oslo targets advanced LUMI users and developers who seek to enhance…
FAIR has become a global norm for good research data management, promoting the reproducibility and reuse of research. Th…
4. – 6.6.2024
Are you a social sciences and humanities (SSH) scholar that conducts research with large amounts of data and works with…
3. – 4.6.2024
Two-day introductory course on quantum computers and the basic quantum algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinar…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
23. – 24.5.2024
This course covers advanced topics on code optimization for x86 platforms (Intel and AMD CPUs). We discuss different tec…
CSC offers wide range of services for research data management and computing. Many of CSC’s services for data mana…
Snakemake is a common entry tool in the world of computational workflows, especially in Bioinformatics. The tool i…
15. – 16.5.2024
15-16.5.2024 9:00-12:00 online How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in…
15. – 16.5.2024
15-16.5.2024 9:00-12:00 online How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in…
24. – 25.4.2024
24-25.4.2024 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! Ar…
23. – 26.4.2024
17. – 19.4.2024
The spring school is now fully booked, but you can still register for the waitlist! Description The Spring School provid…
Are you working with complex workflows in bioinformatics? do you want to learn more about workflow managers like Nextflo…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
CSC offers broad spectrum of services for research community. These services include modern supercomputing environment,…
12. – 21.3.2024
Are you writing code and managing data for your research? Do you feel like wasting too much time on manual work? Do you…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
4. – 6.3.2024
This course teaches you how to do different geospatial related tasks in Python programming language. Each lesson is a tu…
Are you working with geospatial data (raster, vector, point cloud) and machine learning? Join our seminar to share and l…
—- Are you working with geospatial data (raster, vector, point cloud) and machine learning? Join our seminar to sh…
14. – 16.2.2024
Modern HPC systems combine CPUs and accelerators such as GPUs or FPGAs, making code optimization for diverse platforms t…
This one day online course serves as a short introduction to the LUMI architecture and setup. It will include lessons ab…
8. – 9.2.2024
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, including common neural network architectures such as convo…
7. – 8.2.2024
7.2-8.2.2024 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! Ar…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
24. – 25.1.2024
This course gives practical tips on how to run GROMACS simulations efficiently on LUMI-G i.e. on AMD GPUs. The attendees…
Description This webinar is intended for the new users of the Allas Storage Service. The webinar will go through the pur…
1.1. – 31.12.2024
Update 8.3.2024: The initial restriction of one course seat per research group has now been lifted and researchers…
28. – 30.11.2023
28.-30.11.2023 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs!…
PennyLane provides an open-source framework for quantum computing and quantum machine learning. Time: Tuesday 28 N…
27.11. – 1.12.2023
The Hackathon is a way for you to get free help to optimize your software for the AMD GPUs available on LUMI-G! The dead…
27. – 28.11.2023
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
6. – 7.11.2023
Before the Nordic Branch Meeting of the IGS we traditionally have our ELmer/Ice beginner’s course (only at place &…
2. – 3.11.2023
Schrödinger Maestro hands-on workshop The first day of the workshop introduces the basics of computational modeling…
Webinaari Laatua ja vaikuttavuutta – Miten teet datastasi FAIR Vastuullinen tutkimus edellyttää läp…
Näkyvyyttä ja vaikuttavuutta tutkimukselle: datajulkaisut – käytännön kokemuksia (in Engl…
25. – 27.10.2023
Recent developments in quantum technology are bringing the world closer to a new technological revolution – the ad…
This hands-on course introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis concepts and R packages. It covers the pro…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
17. – 20.10.2023
ESiWACE3 hackathon and eflows4HPC workshop ESiWACE3, a Center of Excellence in simulation of weather and climate in Euro…
12. – 13.10.2023
Course overview and motivation In this course we will learn the basics of geocomputing on a supercomputer through a comb…
10. – 13.10.2023
Julia is a modern high-level programming language that is fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C…
Come and learn the basic ideas behind digital twins of the Earth and quantum computing, followed by a discussion on the…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
2. – 6.10.2023
Julia is a modern high-level programming language that is fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C…
This one day online course serves as a short introduction to the LUMI architecture and setup. It will include lessons ab…
19. – 21.9.2023
19.-21.9.2023 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! A…
19. – 28.9.2023
Join the CodeRefinery workshop to learn about collaborative and reproducible coding! More info and registration in https…
10. – 15.9.2023
Welcome to BioExcel Summer School 2023! This annual flagship event provides a comprehensive combination of lectures…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
4. – 6.9.2023
LUMI GPU / Nomad CoE hackathon Sept 4-6, 2023 at CSC The event is meant for code developer teams targeting the GPU parti…
27.6. – 6.7.2023
The CSC Summer School in High Performance Computing is back in Nuuksio! CSC Summer School brings together undergraduate…
This technical webinar is an online-only event organized jointly with CSC and GreenNLP, in connection with a HPLT-projec…
20. – 21.6.2023
The Language Bank of Finland stores and processes language resources, and manages access rights, at CSC (CSC – IT…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
This workshop is for new users of STAC – Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog. STAC is a specification to descr…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
9. – 12.6.2023
This is a two day online course given on Friday 9th and Monday 12th of June. On June 16 there will additionally be an op…
If you answered any of the above questions with ’yes’ or even just a ’maybe’, this event is for…
6. – 8.6.2023
Scientific tools often require installing different dependencies in a controlled environment. Containers allow you to lo…
30.5. – 2.6.2023
This four day online course serves as a general comprehensive introduction to the LUMI architecture and programming envi…
Tutkijoiden tulee tuottaa tutkimusaineistoa kuvailevaa ja tutkimusprosessia dokumentoivaa metatietoa jatkuvasti projekti…
29. – 30.5.2023
This hands-on course in Zoom introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis methods. It covers the processing…
Skills4EOSC * in collaboration with the EOSC Finnish Forum organises a webinar ”Translating Open Science and…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
This one day online course serves as a short introduction to the LUMI architecture and setup. It will include lessons ab…
Tutkimusaineistoa kuvailevaa ja tutkimusprosessia dokumentoivaa metatietoa tulee tuottaa jatkuvasti projektin eri vaihei…
10. – 12.5.2023
The aim of the course is to familiarize participants with spatial analysis with R. Course lecturer: Marko Kallio (…
This one day online course serves as a short introduction to the LUMI architecture and setup. It will include lessons ab…
8. – 9.5.2023
This two-day course aims at giving the fundamental, essential concepts of machine learning. Through simplified key conce…
3. – 5.5.2023
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, diffusion mode…
Tervetuloa IDA-, Qvain- ja Etsin -palveluiden käyttökoulutukseen. Webinaarissa esittelemme palveluiden pä…
BioExcel, the leading European Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, aims to support Life Scienc…
Suurteholaskennalla vauhtia liiketoimintaan! Suurteholaskenta (HPC eli high-performance computing) tuo yrityksellesi aiv…
In this advanced course we will teach how to make container images with Rahti. We will explain the different methods and…
Allas storage service can be recommended to researchers in all disciplines – including humanists and social scient…
17. – 21.4.2023
The Hackathon is a way for you to get free help to optimize your softwarefor the AMD GPUs available on LUMI-G! You can a…
This one day (13.4.23) online course serves as a detailed introduction to profiling and benchmarking application running…
12. – 14.4.2023
12.-14.4.2023 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! A…
In this advanced course we will teach how to deploy and use Jupyter Platforms on Rahti. We will cover the basics and the…
21. – 30.3.2023
Join the CodeRefinery workshop to learn about collaborative and reproducible coding! More info and registration in …
In this course, the fundamental concepts of Kubernetes based container orchestration are illustrated using the Rahti pla…
The CSC Pouta Cloud Computing Fundamentals is a training course that provides the know-how required to efficiently use C…
7. – 9.3.2023
TAU Performance System Workshop on LUMI, March 7-9, CSC This workshop will focus on performance data collection, analysi…
14. – 17.2.2023
This four-day online course serves as a general comprehensive introduction to the LUMI architecture and programming envi…
13. – 14.2.2023
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…
7. – 9.2.2023
7.-9.2.2023 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! Are…
This one day on-line course serves as a detailed introduction to the LUMI-G (GPU partition) architecture and programming…
Join us for a three part online afternoon to learn about CSC services and why you might want to use them in your researc…
13. – 14.12.2022
Distributed computing and automated workflows have become central in scientific computing. At CSC we’ve teste…
7. – 8.12.2022
Schrödinger Maestro Suite hands-on workshop The first day of the workshop covers an introduction to Maestro and is…
28.11. – 1.12.2022
This virtual course will focus on microbiome data science with R/Bioconductor, a popular open-source environment for sci…
24. – 25.11.2022
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, GPU computing,…
23. – 24.11.2022
This two-day hybrid course serves as a detailed introduction to the LUMI-C (CPU-only) environment and architecture, incl…
10. – 11.11.2022
This course gives basic to intermediate level knowledge on HIP programming. It starts with a basic introduction to writi…
7. – 9.11.2022
This course gives a practical introduction to machine learning with spatial data, both to shallow learning and deep lear…
27. – 28.10.2022
This a two day course on the computational, statistical and probabilistic nature of machine learning. Core aspects will…
CSC Sensitive Data services have now an audited secondary use environment for analyzing sensitive social and health care…
Julkisista rekistereistä kerättyjä arkaluontoisia sosiaali- ja terveystietoja voi nyt analysoida CSC:n ar…
The goal of this webinar is to give a brief update on the recent developments in Puhti for researchers working in biosci…
The goal of this webinar is to give a brief update on the recent developments in Puhti for researchers working in biosci…
20. – 29.9.2022
Code Refinery Online Workshop This CodeRefinery online workshop will take place during 6 half-days in two instalments, S…
This one day on-line course serves as a detailed introduction to the LUMI-G architecture and programming environment. It…
This hands-on course in Zoom introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis methods. It covers the processing…
26.6. – 5.7.2022
The CSC Summer School in High Performance Computing is back in Nuuksio! // CSC Summer S…
This hands-on course introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis concepts and R packages. It covers the pro…
7. – 9.6.2022
This course includes topics on code optimization for x86 platforms (Intel and AMD CPUs) and efficient code parallel…
1. – 3.6.2022
Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of lipid bilayers are nowadays used almost routinely to study various cell-membrane-r…
Welcome to Earth Observation workshop by Geoportti! Are you working or want to work with Earth Observation (EO) data? Di…
Single-cell omics (SCO) has revolutionized the way and resolution by which life science research is conducted. SCO encom…
CSC Sensitive Data Services for research What are CSC Sensitive Data services? How can they support and facilitate your…
27. – 28.4.2022
This two day online course serves as a detailed introduction to the LUMI-C environment and architecture and will also de…
On Tuesday 26.4. 14:00-15:00 we are organising a free Q&A session, where you can get help and discuss possible issue…
6. – 8.4.2022
This hands-on course introduces the participants to RNA-seq data analysis methods, tools and file formats. It covers the…
Tule kuulemaan, miten IDA-säilytyspalvelu, Qvain-kuvailutyökalu, Etsin-hakupalvelu ja Metax-metatietovaranto t…
22. – 31.3.2022
This CodeRefinery online workshop will take place during 6 half-days in two instalments, March 22-24 and March 29-3…
16.3.2022 Online Puhti has a brand new web interface, which enables using the Puhti supercomputerdirectly from a web bro…
7. – 10.3.2022
This course teaches you how to do different GIS-related tasks in Python programming language. Each lesson is a tutorial…
10. – 11.2.2022
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, GPU computing,…
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the CSC computing environment possibilities for processing point cloud data and t…
7. – 9.2.2022
This course gives advanced practical tips on how to run GROMACS MD simulations efficiently on modern hardware including…
This webinar introduces different computing services offered by CSC for biousers. These services include cloud (Pouta),…
11.1. – 13.11.2022
The goal of this three-day training course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of VTK and sci…
8. – 22.12.2021
We are pleased to invite you to the Elmer FEM webinar series. This is a natural continuation of the popular webinar seri…
Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) offers great potential, and new experimental technologies and data analysis metho…
23. – 26.11.2021
Bioinformatics tools often require installing different dependencies in a controlled environment. Containers allow you t…
23. – 24.11.2021
This course gives a practical introduction to PyQGIS, the Python implementation in QGIS. Through hands-on exercises, you…
2. – 3.11.2021
OpenMP is an application programming interface designed to facilitate parallelism. It is the model of choice for shared-…
1. – 3.11.2021
The aim of the course is to familiarize participants with spatial analysis with R.On the first two days of the course fo…
26. – 27.10.2021
The Schrödinger Maestro Materials Modelling Suite is a collection of tools accessible via one graphical user interf…
11. – 15.10.2021
The PRACE Autumn School will bring together undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in differen…
7. – 14.10.2021
Analytiikan ABC on data-analytiikan ja koneoppimisen peruskurssi valtionhallinnon toimijoille. Kurssi on yleistajuinen j…
This workshop introduces the new sensitive data services offered by CSC and the legal principles on managing sensitive d…
CSC:n tavoitteena on rakentaa yhdessä asiakkaidemme kanssa maailmanluokan tutkimus-, oppimis- ja innovaatioympä…
2.9. – 10.12.2021
CSC Autumn of HPC is a set of five two day modules teaching essential skills in parallel programming for modern GPU-acce…
30. – 31.8.2021
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, GPU computing,…
18. – 20.8.2021
18.-20.8.2021 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know about our HPC environment when launching jobs! Are you…
10. – 17.8.2021
Analytiikan ABC on data-analytiikan ja koneoppimisen peruskurssi valtionhallinnon toimijoille. Kurssi on yleistajuinen j…
2. – 3.6.2021
2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary computers, quantum co…
Are you a sensitive data user looking for both highly secure and simple ways for processing sensitive data? Would you be…
27. – 28.5.2021
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…
26. – 27.5.2021
Course attendees get to know the spatial analysis framework within the ArcGIS platform for vector, point cloud, and rast…
24. – 26.5.2021
The course is full. You can register for the waitlist. 24.-26.5.2021 9:00-12:00 online This is what everyone should know…
20. – 21.5.2021
This online course introduces the participants to microbiome analysis methods, tools, and file formats. It covers the wh…
18. – 20.5.2021
This course includes topics on code optimization for x86 platforms (Intel and AMD CPUs) and efficient code parallelizati…
Miten kubitti voi olla 0 ja 1 samanaikaisesti? Mitä hyötyä siitä on? Webinaarin tallenne: https://yo…
How can qubits be zero and one at the same time, and what is it good for? Recording on YouTube:…
With the upcoming LUMI supercomputer arriving this year, we have started a series of training for the users. The main pa…
This workshop serves as an introduction to the Data Stewardship Wizard ( and you will learn how i…
Geocomputing in Puhti supercomputer This half-day workshop is meant for GIS users interested in starting to use Puhti. I…
7. – 8.4.2021
”This is what everyone should know about our HPC environment before launching their first jobs!” This free o…
16. – 30.3.2021
BioWeek is now BioMonth! In March you can spend your Tuesday and Wednesday mornings learning how to use supercompu…
11.3. – 7.6.2021
We are pleased to invite you to the Elmer FEM webinar series. The webinars will be given during spring 2021 on Thursdays…
10. – 12.3.2021
This online course addresses hybrid programming by combining OpenMP and MPI, as well as more advanced topics in MPI (com…
With the upcoming LUMI supercomputer arriving this year, we start a series of training for the users. The main partition…
1. – 3.2.2021
This course gives a practical introduction on how to run GROMACS MD simulations efficiently on modern hardware including…
14. – 15.1.2021
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…
17. – 18.12.2020
This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, GPU computing,…
14. – 15.12.2020
2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary computers, quantum co…
Qvain ja Qvain Light -kuvailutyökalut yhdistyvät suunnitellun aikataulun mukaisesti syksyllä. Muutoksen m…
30.11. – 1.12.2020
2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary computers, quantum co…
25. – 27.11.2020
The Fortran programming language is still – despite of its long history – one of the standard and most usefu…
In this course, the fundamental concepts of Kubernetes based container orchestration are illustrated using the Rahti pla…
23. – 24.11.2020
Biocontainers (101) Biocontainers (101) is a basic level course to learn skills required for running bioinformatic…
18. – 19.11.2020
These two online workshops contain lectures and hands-on exercises on multiple topics run in parallel, so you can choose…
9. – 11.11.2020
Practical machine learning for spatial data This course gives a practical introduction to machine learning for spatial d…
We are launching an e-learning course ”Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis using Chipster” in CSC’s eLea…
22. – 23.10.2020
This course is an introduction to GPU programming using the directive based OpenACC paradigm. The course consists of lec…
22. – 23.10.2020
Practical Machine Learning: GPU edition 22.10.-23.10.2020 This two-day course gives a practical introduction to machine…
13. – 16.10.2020
The course introduces the basics of parallel programming with the message-passing interface (MPI) and OpenMP paradigms.
5.10. – 12.11.2020
Speed up Python programs using optimisation and parallelisation techniques The Python programming language is popular in…
This webinar introduces the participants to geocomputing options provided by Puhti supercomputer. The webinar contains a…
Mastery Rubric for Bioinformatics (MR-Bi) is a curriculum-design and -evaluation tool that can support the development o…
In this webinar we will discuss the digital preservation of research data. What is digital preservation? How should the…
7. – 10.9.2020
NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) offers hands-on training for developers, data scientists, and researchers look…
Mahti is the flagship of CSC’s next generation computing environment, and it is designed for massively parall…
In this webinar we will go through how to set up your machine learning computation on Puhti so that the resources are us…
10. – 11.6.2020
Course attendees get to know the spatial analysis framework within the ArcGIS platform for vector, point cloud, and rast…
In this webinar we will discuss how to get started with machine learning on CSC’s Puhti supercomputer. We will cov…
28. – 29.5.2020
R is a language that has become one of the most popular tools for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing data. While th…